If you are thinking of running your own business, you should start by discussing your plans with an experienced accountancy firm that can give you the help you need. The more forethought you can give to the task of running your business, the more likely you are to succeed. FWD can help you plan your business and answer some of the questions you should consider before you start:
- Are you the sort of person who can succeed in business?
- Do you have capital you can invest into the business?
- Are you familiar with the legal requirements that will be placed on you as a business proprietor?
- Have you considered how much you will earn during your first year and projected what future earnings might be?
- Do you need help raising finance for your business?
- After business expenses, including tax and NI, have you estimated what your salary and profit could be?
- Do you know how you can minimise your tax liability so that you keep more of what you earn?
There are many other matters you need to consider both before you go into business and during your all-important first year. With careful planning and help from the team at FWD, you could earn more and pay less in tax. FWD believe in a personal approach to all our clients, and provide a creative and positive service. We can assist you in a variety of ways:
- Preparing your accounts promptly after the year-end – Some clients with growing businesses have management accounts. These enable you to check regularly on your business growth, trends, and profitability.
- Tax planning – to minimise your tax liabilities.
- Cash and profit forecasts – cash flow ‘moneymaps’ to help you forecast your future business performance.
- Financial planning – helping you plan both your business and personal finances.
- Bookkeeping – our computerised bookkeeping services enable you to spend more time running your business. offering packages such as Sage.
These are only a few of the ways FWD can help you succeed in business. Please contact us if you would like help with your business start up.